Beet falafel on colorful lentil salad with mint yogurt, marinated leaf parsley, roasted chicory and pomegranate


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Ingredients beet falafel

200 gr. delicate chick peas

1 pc. dry toast slices

1/2 pc. onion

1/4 clove of garlic

1/4 bunch parsley

1/4 Tl coriander powder

1/4 Tl cumin powder

20 gr. beetroot powder

1/2 Tl baking powder

Lentils ingredients

20 gr. raw red delicate lentils

For 4 portions:

20 gr. raw yellow delikatessa lentils

20 gr. raw green/black delicate lentils

10 gr. chives

5 ml table vinegar

10 ml rape oil

Ingredients Decoration

1 pc. chicory salad

1 tsp sesame

40 ml yoghurt

10 pcs. Mint leaves

5 pomegranate seeds

10 ml oil


In preparation, leave chickpeas to soak overnight in cold water. Mix the toast slice (small roasted), onion cubes, garlic, parsley, coriander powder, cumin powder, beetroot powder and baking powder in a mixer to a fine homogeneous mass. Then add a little salt and

Season to taste with pepper. Now form the mass into even balls of about 40 gr. each and bake in 170 degrees hot oil for three to four minutes. Then let it drip off on a paper towel and serve directly.

Let the lentils swell separately in cold water for 1 hour, then continue cooking separately in salted water for 2 minutes. Afterwards, leave for approx. 20 minutes, drain and let it cool down. Mix with a little vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and finely chopped chives.

Cut the chicory into quarters, remove the stalk so that the salad does not fall apart, then fry all sides. Season with salt and pepper. Roast the sesame seeds for a few minutes in a hot pan. Then add the mint leaves to the yoghurt and mix well. Arrange on the plate as desired and enjoy!


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